Friday, July 25, 2008

I am an Academy Award Winner! Well...perhaps not

Toni, who's button will bring you straight to her amusing and fun blog nominated me for the above award! Thank you my fellow HP'er and Italian Sista!

Now, here are the rules if I nominate you!!! After that I will get to my nominations!

Once an award is received, the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.

Here are my seven! Since I am blog challenged, I am going to add buttons as links to my nominees!

1. Fellow HP'er Wendi... she is from Alaska, has FIVE children (all adorable) and is a tell it like it is straight talking woman. I appreciate her wise ways!

the crazy world of an Alaskan mom?

2. Another fellow HP'er and one of the strongest and kindest women I know... read her story here:

Starting Another Chapter

3. Celeste... She is honest, and real and an amazing woman.. and yeah!!! She is from Canada too!

Random Ramblings by Celeste

4. Kelly... funny, informative and just plain cool!
And the Family Grows

5. Heather... a truly inspirational woman, she and her daughter Sophie have been through so many trials and tribulations and are stronger for them
My quest for sanity

6. Susan... Living life with 3 boys and one man in an RV!! How she does it I will never know... check her out here.

What happened to my house??

7. Bridgette... she survived Katrina and much online drama! She is fun and spunky and like bugs!

The Not-So-Blog


Anonymous said...

Wow Mimi you sure have given me something challenging to do ! Good thing I have the day off it's probably going to take me that long to do it.

Oh and thanks for the compliment. It was very touching.

Unknown said...

How great Mimi!!! That is very cool, thanks for the nomination and shout out.

Andrea said...

Congrats Mimi!