Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Sonnets... Poetry Sunday

I have decided to make Sunday a showcase for my favorite poets and their poetry. I am an amateur poet myself (and nothing to brag about) and I have always loved poetry. This poet Sara Teasdale I discovered one day while browsing the library one summer for something new. I connected to her poetry right away and spent many hours and days reading and re-reading her beautiful verses. You can find many of her poems here:
Sara's Poems

Here is one for your enjoyment:

Dooryard Roses

I have come the selfsame path
To the selfsame door,
Years have left the roses there
Burning as before

While I watch them in the wind
Quick the hot tears start--
Strange so frail a flame outlasts
Fire in the heart.

Sara Teasdale


Anonymous said...

That's a really pretty poem Mimi. I'd love to see some more of your work.

Moo said...

I love that poem!!! And YAY for sonnets