This makes me nervous and twitchy!!

These worry me and make me wanna run away screaming...

These are supposed to be fun, happy, and entertaining... NOT! I find them disturbing...

Dolls..I am OK with Barbie and Cabbage Patch dolls... they are simple and cute and happy!
Not scary

Not scary (Well maybe to some Dems out there...LOL)


What freaks you out???
That Cabbage Patch doll is hilarious! I used to collect them when I was a kid.
oh my god.. i just peed a little. That doll is freakin' scary!
The clowns are amazingly scary! For some reason, seeing a grown man in a clown suit makes me think "pedophile".
And the doll...very wierd. Is it supposed to be Supernanny??
LOL you are too funny! I am not a fan of the dolls. I just don't like the way they stare at me...
Now I'm starting to get freaked out by things you're freaked out by. Thanks for that.
Clowns, definitely. And some celebrities. Jim Carrey anyone?
They scare the $#@# out of me!
I could not watch IRobot, and the ride at Disneyland, Star Tours where C3PO is... nope... don't go in there... not me.
We could be twins about this post... And I don't know about anyone else but not only are clowns freaky....they have a greasy smell too...they stink....and that ISN'T funny
I agree, that cabbage patch doll is pretty funny!
The sound of styrafome freaks me out!
Is that seriously a Sarah Palin doll? That IS freaky, lol. Does she come with a little helicopter and long range rifle? lol. (sorry, couldn't help that one)
I'm afraid of worms and spiders when I garden. lol. I try to get all that stuff done in April, so I avoid those critters. When I do see them, I'm all like...'I'm done!' and I don't garden the rest of the year, lol
Well spider/bugs obviously creep me out. But sounds freak me out more then "things". Do not crinkle a news paper or chew food loudly around me, I get real wired and freaked (can we say anxiety issues?? lol) What is the deal with the rubber bands Mimi? I know balloon freak lots of people out and clowns.
Dolls with long, black hair & oddly looking ones. I can't sleep if my eyes can spot any kind of dolls at all!
Eeek that last one IS freaky!
You don't like balloons?!?!?
Baloons make me nervous cause I know they will pop and scare me. Rubber bands also freak me out cause I am afraid they will break and snap my hand!!! I am such a nervous Nellie!
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