I first discovered Cinnabon about 10 years ago at a local mall in the Bay Area of California and Ive never bought a different brand since that glorious and happy day!
Cinnabon's literally melt in your mouth, in their words... "The roll that made us famous! Warm dough, filled with our legendary Makara® Cinnamon, topped with freshly made cream cheese frosting."
I think Cinnabon also threw in a dash of magic and a pinch of love to make these the most delicious and scrumptious treats ever! The cream cheese frosting is to die for... never grainy or too sweet...its just right! And the cinnamon... it is perfect in its intensity.
They have many exciting products as well as the traditional Cinnabon...they have Minibon, the Caramel Pecanbon (Warm dough, filled with our legendary Makara Cinnamon, topped with pecans and smothered with rich caramel) Cinnabon Stix and many more products! Even more exciting is it is avalable online here at Cinnabon.com
So, if you have a favorite blogger you would love to surprise with a Cinnabon, (Who, ME???) or just a regular family member... Head on over to Cinnabon.com and tell em Minxy Mimi sent ya!
I love Cinnabon!! I try not to buy them too often cause I really can't afford the calories, but they are so amazing!!!
wow!! That picture is making my mouth water!!!
Ohhhh...I haven't had a Cinnabon in a long time! Haven't found them here in Small Town since I moved here 11 years ago! They are the BEST! :)
I do love Cinnabon!! However, I have only indulged ONCE and knew I was headed for trouble, so being on WW, I threw about the last half away. I know, trust me....that was soooooo hard for me to do but I did savor every last drop that I did enjoy!! Mmmmmm yummy!!!
You are one funny lady. I saw your comment on Pulsipher Predilections and had to journey over to your blog to say hello.
Cinnabons...don't you speak the truth! As a inhabitant of the Bay Area, I was introduced to their goodness a few years back too. Once you have one, you will never look back. I recently discovered that they also make cinnamon toast. Have you tried it? Just a bit of loveliness in the morning!
I had my very first ever Cinnabon about a month ago. OH MY HEAVENS! You are absolutely right about the melting in your mouth thing! Nothing else measures up now! LOL!
You've been Tagged, http://www.ruggratsx2.com/2008/12/awards-and-tags-nov-dec-edition.html
Ya know, I love homemade cinnamon rolls, and they are not that hard to make. However, the smell of the Cinnabun ones on the mall makes me wanna puke. It is too sweet even for a smell. I prolly would like the taste if I could get past their sweet aroma.
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