1. Early crush... Note: The feathered hair, the brown leather jacket... the cheese smile...***sigh***

2. LOL not my crushes, but crushes of the time...

Never understood this one: BUT, he does have the feathered blonde mane!!! LOL

I did not have a crush on Jason Bateman in the era of this pic, although I did like him during "The Hogan Family" era

BUT OH MY... I LOVE him now... Arrested Development fueled this more for me. I am a sucker for a intelligent and funny man with a gift for quips!

Who could forget the brooding and slightly dumb looking Matt Dillon??

These guys... Noah Drake and Blackie Parrish!!! WOW Gotta love General Hospital!!! Even now they are keeping up in the "Hott Men Dept" quota! LOL

What do you think??? Who were your crushes???
I know there are many more I crushed on and can post about...but these guys just came to mind!!!
ENJOY the cheese and feathered hair!!!
I adore them all except leif garrett and Matt Dillon.
I used to wear a Shaun Cassidy T shirt EVERYWHERE!
Do you mind if I post a similar post? I really liked your idea.
I didnt care for Leif either...steal away!!! I could only wish I had a Shaun T-shirt!
oooooo Scott Baio and John Stamos....yummy!!!!
Damn woman...you made me just break into a hot lusty sweat!
Justin Bateman has really aged into a serious hottie. And John Stamos...I've loved him since he was Blackie on General Hospital!
Headed for a shower now.
That's great! I love looking back to the past. I'm a bit younger than you so my crushes were, Kirk Cameron, Johnny Depp, Mario Lopez (I couldn't get enough of Saved By the Bell when I was 12), Christian Slater, he's still hot in his new show, My Own Worst Enemy... I was a child of the eighties. Great pictures. Those men are all hot too! I love your blog!
Ricky Schroeder! Loooooved him! Kirk Cameron and Michael J. Fox!
O-M-G! Thanks for a refresher! I was born in 65. Same crushes and same deal with the Hogan Family. LOVED that show!
I'll add one more: Tony DeFranco! Ahhhh...I have a box ov old Tiger Beat's, maybe I should leaf through them! Thanks for the memories!
Oh, David Cassidy too. Although I DID go to Shawn's concert and got a rose he threw into the audience (siggghhhh)
Come over to 3 Word Thursdays today and try it out!
LOL what a funny post. I loved Fred Savage. I really thought I would marry him one day. That is until I moved on to bigger and better, like Ponch from CHiPs! I'd hate to see what he looks like today!!
Actually Ponch doesnt look too bad!
Fred does the voice of Oswald on Noggin!
I love Scott Baio and John Stamos!
Also Robbie Rosa and Ricky Martin of Menudo - do you know this Puerto Rican group?
Oh my goodness UNCLE JESSE! I still have a thing for John Stamos! LOL.
Oh my! Scott Baio (did you watch Scott Baio is however old and single/married with a baby?)I loved! I also loved Jason Bateman and John Stamos in the mullet days!
Fun post!
By the way...I just blogged and tagged you! :)
Shawn Cassidy was always my favorite! Da doo run run run . . .
Sean Cassidy was the big one for me. I had his pic everywhere.
Let's see there was Leo and JTThomas from Home Improvement...AJ from the BSB. That's about it we hardly ever watched tv and when we did it was mostly cartoons, I like Gary Sinese(sp) NOW, Will Smith was a youth crush, Jesse(UH Can't remember his name) from Full House, I think that's about it.
OMG I laughed out loud so hard, I was sooo there with you on some of these LOL!!!
That is AWESOME! I love the retro photos.
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