I got the idea for this blog post from
That girl blogs I usually do not post political posts, just because some of my friends and family have very different views, stances and affiliations. I know that there will be people who might have watched it with very different eyes. But regardless of your party of choice, to me there is no denying that Obama (I think McCain too) is sincere. He is sincere in his desire to give us Americans a better way of life, better education, health care and security. You may not agree with his ideas, but to say he is not honestly striving to change the wrongs he feels can be righted I think is just spiteful and wishful thinking. It goes both ways.
But I have to say that I was moved. Moved many times to tears. I saw stories of people, people like me, people that could be speaking my words, living my life and it was at once, reassuring and a bit scary. I don't want people to be like me. To struggle like me, to have to decide not to buy the good meat in order to make ends meet. To grow my own tomatoes not just for the taste factor, but to save a few bucks. I hate being poor, I want a change. I think he has the vision and moxie to attempt it and maybe even achieve it. Ive never felt this way about a candidate before. I am excited to be able to vote in this election.
When Barack Obama said these words:
“I will not be a perfect President, but I can promise you this… I will listen to you when we disagree… and I will open the doors of government, and ask you to be involved again.”
I felt light, I felt hope, I felt inspired to be involved in the issues that my country faces. I want to be a vehicle for change, not a nay sayer, not a cynic, not a bystander. I think if Barack Obama can inspire that feeling in any of us....even if its to oppose what you think are bad ideas that he has for our country... I think that is an admirable achievement.
All I ask is this, if the Democrats win....My fellow Democrats... be involved, be pro-active, hold Obama responsible for his words... remember the feeling of victory and the hope you felt. Carry it with you and make this country better, stronger and help it prosper. If the Republicans win this... give them a chance. Let them try to do the same for us. Because we all care about our great country...we just have different ideas on what is the right thing to do. It doesn't make us right or wrong... just different.
Слова Перемоги | Віталій Вознюк (11.09.2023)
1 year ago